Sunday, February 12, 2012

36 down, 964 to go...

Right now, I'm 36 cranes into this experiment...

I missed a few days and had to catch up, and then last night I accidentally did an extra three. On the plus side, I've gone from being behind to ahead!

Cranes completed: 36
Cranes to go: 964

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The first three...

Today is the first of February, and that means...
My first three cranes!

I picked this up about a week ago in preparation:

Problem with this is that:
a) I'm not sure how many pages it is, so I need to track this carefully
b) I get one colour at a time for now, at least until I divide up the first layer of colours

And to start with, here are my first three!

...I've already messed up the first one I tried folding tonight. Hopefully that isn't a sign of things to come...

Cranes completed: 3
Cranes to go: 997

...Oh, what have I gotten myself into...